The Bear in the Tree |Kelly Hegi |Poetry

Waiting for our pizza
The news travels quickly
There’s a bear in a tree in the park
It’s treated as everyday news
Normal – pass me the hot peppers
Again, and again the news circulates as we eat
Can I get another napkin?
There’s a bear in the tree at the park
2 blocks away. Check please
On the road back to the hotel
What else could we do?
We pull over, roll the windows down to let in the beautiful Ely evening
And watch
The police unfurl their caution tape
The crowd of 12-year-old boys are getting too close
Patting the tree with their hands
Trying to wake the bear
The cops sit on the hoods of their squads waiting and watching
There’s a crowd in this small place
Watching the black fluffy mass stretch and snooze and eventually descend
He trundles quickly out of the park and into an alley
Surprisingly agile and fast
The crowd disperses
The police rewrap their yellow tape
Where is everyone going?
There is no longer a bear in a tree in the park
There’s a 400-pound apex predator in the alley
It appears that is everyday news
Photo by Alexandre Brondino on Unsplash
Kelly Hegi is a writer currently living in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband, three kids and two dogs. She is a licensed minister, an active Spiritual Director and writes to explore everyday life from a more creative lens. She has just begun to get published and is still stunned every time it happens.
2 Responses to “The Bear in the Tree |Kelly Hegi |Poetry”
Bravo! Love the perspective and humor
I enjoyed your poem